Clearing your browser cache
This does vary a little depending on which browser you're using
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This does vary a little depending on which browser you're using
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To clear your browser cache, follow these steps:
Open your web browser.
Click on the "Menu" button in the top right corner of the window. This button may look like three horizontal lines or a triangle, depending on your browser.
From the menu, select "Settings" or "Options".
In the settings or options menu, look for a section called "Privacy" or "Privacy and security".
In the privacy section, you should see an option to clear your browsing data or cache. This option may be called "Clear browsing data", "Clear cache", or something similar.
Click on this option to open the data clearing window.
In the data clearing window, you will have the option to select which types of data you want to clear. Make sure the box next to "Cache" is checked, and you can also select other types of data if you want to clear them as well.
Choose a time range for the data you want to clear. You can select a predefined range like "Last hour" or "Last week", or you can select a custom range by clicking on the "Advanced" tab.
Click the "Clear data" or "Clear cache" button to clear your browser cache.
Note: The specific steps to clear your browser cache may vary depending on which browser you are using. If these instructions do not match the options in your browser, you may need to consult the help documentation or search online for specific instructions for your browser.